Transportation and Work Life Balance
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You can take a bus directly from East Bank to West Bank called the campus connector, and that will even loop back and bring you towards St Paula's. Well, the light rail is also super important here, a few of them because it takes you all the way from downtown St Paul to downtown Minneapolis. It's super important and kind of tricky at first to maintain a healthy work life balance in college. It's a lot different than high school, and adapting takes a long time. To be honest, when college started, I had three internships, part time job. I run my own business and I was taking seventeen credits. I didn't know that that was too much for me with my new responsibilities. That kind of helped force me take down what I was doing and relax. I didn't know what first that that would be too much just because I had new responsibilities and I didn't know how to manage my time now, But I soon learned that I had to relax more and that I needed to just, you know, take more time to study and really keep that work. There are lots of resources at the U of M to help you keep that work. There's a smart learning center in the libraries to help you learn a topic with appears. There's lots of different resource is for you to utilize, so make sure you do less them.