Meal Plans
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Basically, the lowest amount of meals you can get is the eleven meals per week plan, and they do not roll over into the next week. If you can, you get ten guest passes and you get some flextime money with each plan. Flex time is money that you Khun spent at a coffee shop on campus and other restaurant on campus. The little restaurants food court In the bottom of Kaufman, you can. You can spend your money there at Penn Express or Chick fil A or any of the restaurants they have there. The next level up of food plan meal plan is fourteen years a week, and that's the one I had just because I thought for breakfast. So I just kept bananas in my dorm rooms and yogurt in the fridge, something small like that. Then I used it for a lunch and dinner every day. It all depends on your schedule on what you think you'll need and then the highest level of meal plan is the unlimited mil per meal plan. If you wantto use a swipe to get in and just get a cookie or some ice cream. You could do that because it doesn't count as a whole meal, so that one is definitely the most flexible. The best dorm dining hall on campus is in Seventeenth Avenue, so that's the one we're going to tour. I know a lot of campuses are known for not having as healthy food, especially in the dining halls. This one does a pretty good job of giving you choices, giving you knowledge, giving you access to like more organic fresh foods. So I was really lucky, you know, live in that dorm and have access to it. Here you can strike her meal card to get in for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Fresh food Company, The dining hall in Seventeen Avenue Dorm. They offer a lot of fresh food and organic options, so they show different places to pick up local or an organic produce and food from the Twin Cities. They also show a place where you could get B lap, honey, just super.