Housing Overview
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I'm goingto talk Teo in this video about housing options for a freshman. Before you go to school, you send in this application of if you were, like, living on campus or if you're applying so live on campus, which I completely recommend you make a bunch of friends, especially during welcome week. Just cause you're all in this, like super weird new environment. So as a freshman, you basically apply, Say, if you want, like a double triple single a sweet there's even like quads. So it's based off of, like, Group A Group B group seeing Group D s O. I did Group B and C, which is basically like or no, I did Group C, which is a double room. Through my application, I have a weird stories. So I received a single in an all girls dorm, which is actually not what I asked for. Asked for a double and a really social and coed dorm just because I was out of state and I wanted to make a sweaty friends as possible. So what I did is I went on Facebook and a lot of people swap before. So if you don't like your housing and you can find someone you want to swap with that you like better. Um, you could do that and just communicate through the housing like staff, and it worked out pretty well for me. I, even though it's like, the worst one compared to the other dorms, I really like it, um, and so after freshman year, you basically you don't get guaranteed housing, you can apply for it, but it doesn't really. It's not given to you so a lot of people get houses are like apartments, but they have to look for that October of their freshman year, which kind of stinks. If you do, if you do join Greek life, bunch of them have required housing. So next year I will be living in the story house, so I didn't have to look for it. A bunch of my friends had to scramble to find housing in October, which was a little stressful, and they had to do all their leasing and stuff, but by now it's all taken care of. So freshman year, basically you're going to live on the hill, which is like outside Central campus. It's still like on Main campus or you live like Central campus. Then there's also North Campus Dorm's, which no one really wants those unless you're in art student or an engineer. Even though I'm an art student, I really wanted to branch out and make friends on Central campus. That's why I chose, Like in the application, you get to choose like what? Would you like this? And I was like, No, no, no, no. Basically So the students who live on North Campus, they just have to take like a ten minute bus to class, which isn't that bad. But if you go out at night, it kind of stinks. You have TTO bus back, or they, like Shut Down at three, which is late. Some people have to like uber back just because it takes forever it away, and it's like cold temperatures and stuff. That's basically an overview of housing for freshmen and what you look for like for for the next couple of years.