Night out with Friends

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So now I'm just kind of talk about a night out with my friends and what we normally dio. It really depends on what social events are going on with fraternities and sororities for me. It's a spring rush, eh? So it's really nice because freshmen don't have to worry about anything but grades and kind of just like getting your friends and making new connections. There was no stress of immediately getting in a sorority and having to deal with all the new member stuff. You know, it's crazy how much you actually have to put into a sorority or fraternity for it to work. I rushed my spring semester and I came in just a week earlier before anyone else. It could be a closed events that means on ly members of that fraternity or short you're allowed to be there or it's an open event. I will say for guys, it's really hard unless you have connections within the fraternity to get invited before you rush in the spring. They don't want you just aimlessly drinking or any of that. We are a wet campus, so that's really nice because we couldn't drink on campus once you're twenty one. Do not use a fake I d literally get outta school in its federal fence. Like I said, before we go to Brickell, they're a bunch of cool bars that, you know a fraternity will run out. Then either it's by only kind of thing, where it's you on a date, like if my boyfriend invited me to an event that is just I mean, my day. Then the rest of the fraternity with their dates on DH, you take school buses with your super super fun. I'm not going to say Use your fake I D or a drink because you should not drink under Adri is your fake I D. But do what you must with that information. Which is harder to get into again. I'm not going to say any other information besides that on DH. Then me and my friends have gone to story and live and those kinds of things with promoters, and that's really fun because you get tables and you get to see these amazing DJs my freshman semester, I'll never forget this. We went to story with the promoter and getting pipe like responds at a table that was worth ten thousand dollars. Yes, like tables here, so expensive for DJs. We got to sit there for free, and we watched TV Aoki for five hours and then it was the craziest show ever. We went to game day three hours later and died because it was just so exhausting. Just the amount of things you can honestly doing go out. If you're not someone that likes to go out, it's no big deal. There's so many people that just like to chill, stay home. I also just, you know, pick and choose what I like to go Teo. Academics mean more than anything, so really, you know, focus on your academics. Then the times where you can go out there's so many things to do like you will never be bored.