College Week in My Life | Sophomore Year
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It's great, you know, it's not about only have one class today, so not the worst. It is two and 1/2 hour class, so that is kind of the worst. Probably will be, like, usually when I think it would be less. It's intermediate film makings of something bad. And then I'm gonna go to work. It's 1/3 level corruption course, but I did that an island work like shot, some footage for our instagram stories and, like went to actual work and lend them stories. It's totally fine and dandy until you tried taking uber our lips because a little of the time driver is like don't speak English very well, which is like fine, you know, I know, get your coins this, but it's like the way you like trying. Do you, like, give directions really trying to get your Robert like get to you and you can't make it seem like there's a language barrier. Then let's see what else I think I need toe additive log, which I will do what I do tonight. Best purchase yesterday was like, technically you were saved glasses, one class. It's gonna be a bit of a struggle was that time that I get, like, really tired Coffee Now was yesterday. So looking over one of the class and our teachers are like our adviser, so it's pretty, But there just chilling in the interactive media love to our intimate break. You really think less? Um, it's actually really good. Um, I had three classes say, and that my first class is like the honors class for its focus on television, which I love Calvert, and I love it, so I'm really kind about it. I have a social media analects class and he seems really nice. They are group projects, which is a little little sketchy, but we'll see how it goes up the class. It's like a directing class and has lots of you. Looks like directing and acting gonna do some, like on camera work and a lot of people in my class. It's such a small classical of people in the class. I think I'm really gonna learn a lot from classical. It's still happening, and people like What did you think? E Yeah, I'm sorry you made list, so I was kind of, like, speak more or something Taking to it, I just I just wanted to be done dinner popping so much. My order under that, people feel like kind of looked through it. Sometimes it's really like, really what she said, If you need. I cry so much approval from other people s. So I feel like even though I think I'm talented or barbed wire or whatever, it still doesn't feel like enough like other people are noticing it or take anything at it. Obviously this knowledge that is a weakness because you really care about what people think. So it doesn't even matter what people think. Did you find your own way to like a prove yourself? From then? That makes the L. A. Guys trust in your own abilities and all their oh pusher, even what feels a little rocky At times I've been told that come off as, uh, intimidating and after So you're quitting because I like such an anxious person, and I think a lot of what people find intimidating is that I'm very quiet. First meet me and it's like you're excited Group Going to make your school were like silence of the thing that we practiced daily and actually been a very anxious person is a lot of the late deal of that is to bring out my surroundings and listening and like being like, very observant of what's going on around me. It's like work on that when I'm meeting people e like a partner that I am so very working on fixing Good morning, guys. Police haven't talked too much this morning, so the list is strong, But im America class, um uh, I have two classes today, so not too bad. We've done, like, 12 15 with them. Um, but I think I'm gonna learn a lot out of all of them, because even, like, yes, that's silly. I don't know if that's a news sophomore spring, Judah, but I'm just not really interested in no going out right now, you know, making a Maybe someday, even when I get to start getting, like, more stressed out, like needing breakers. You weren't crazy like people Miami, like, literally do not know how to drive. I really I've actually think seven minutes my best time if I really wanted to. Class just got out because there's actually a lot of people around here. I think it worked partly because I didn't want about you in parking lots. I kind of like get kind of nauseous thinking emotionalism. Actually, I had to buy a directing text book for class. I think they're really motivating and like, Helpful. You really didn't do anything was that interesting? And I think of authority three long that I slept with that. We'll see more people know I'm gonna be more appealing.