Classes and My Schedule
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So real quick before I show you my daily routine, I just wanted to kind of give you an overview of what my class is air like. Wednesday classes, they're both the same, and my two state Thursday classes are about the same. I have a total of five classes, so I'm taking fifteen credits this year and this semester. Then I have no classes on Friday because I got my schedule of kind of like perfect. So I just have longer classes on my Monday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday rather than having classes three days a week. So my Monday Wednesday schedule is I have class from eight forty two nine fifty five and that's child and adolescent psychology class Super fun class. I have some video clips of meat, and there's all show those on DH. Then I normally come back to campus and go to the library and do like work before my next class. Then I have a class at one twenty five, and that goes from one twenty five to two forty, and then that's also in Flopsy. Then I go back to this side of campus and I go for my research methods class, and that is a class from three thirty five to four fifty. There's some people that only have five, fifteen minutes late anywhere from five to fifteen minutes in between their classes. It gives you a chance to, you know, grab food, see friends, talk, good library study, get that kind of stuff done, then my Tuesday, Thursday classes. I have a A M and I have That's my criminology class. It's a really, really interesting and like fun class. Then I have this huge break up until six o'clock, where I have my accounting class from six twenty five toe, seven forty. So that's kind of like my day where I either do nothing and it's the most unproductive day. So in my psych class, basically the teacher stands up there and she'll lecture for an hour and fifteen minutes because that's how long my classes and people can ask questions. It's more if you just, like, really don't understand something. Um, so my class sizes around, I would say, like sixty people, but it's really interesting because you only see really your whole class the day of the test because people just don't show up. Do not go to a class, especially because every class here that you mrs around two hundred dollars for a single class. Imagine if you just like, not feeling good one day and you have three classes like you're literally wasting six hundred dollars so not to scare anyone. So that was my psychology lecture based class, so I didn't actually get any videos from my math class that normally would have next, because it was a lot for that chapter. So I really needed to pay attention, but my math class size is, I would say around twenty to twenty five people s o a lot smaller, so it really depends like what kind of class? What material you're going over depends your class ratio for, like, student teacher. For the majority of all my classes, that air lecture based I would say it around like sixty to one hundred and fifty students, depending on the class and like, if it's a prerequisite, a requirement that normally classes will be bigger. I'm but then, like your math classes, my criminology class is super small tio. My counting has around thirty people, so it really just depends on the class, the major content you're going through, But I think our our actual student teacher ratio is about one two twenty two. That's not bad. But then you also just have to factor in like a big biology lecture might have literally two hundred and twenty kids, and it's a bunch rows back and your math class could have literally ten students, so it just depends really on ratios. So now I'm gonna show you my really, really big research methods. Okay, so this is what a big lecture class looks like. I'm showing a potential freshman what classes like so wonderful. How would you describe a lecture class here long? I long for it. So I'm not gonna boreal with anymore class discussion or class lectures, but I'm not in any lab, so I can't really go in and show you any labs. I took a lab last year, but basically what I can tell you about lots of their one credit classes. They normally coincide with either a biology chemistry of physics, something along those lines in the cock science building, and all of those classes are around three hours, so they're super long and tedious, but you only have it once a week. That's kind of nice, but it's also just like a lot of work. You have quizzes where you have to take notes the class before read the textbook. They're very involved, very in depth, but they're super like, helpful and actually help me, like, understand a lot of the things that I was confused on an actual class. That would be six classes, and it's just not recommended because you're coming to a new school. So that's a really nice differentiation between people. So that's how my classes go and kind of my daily schedule. Thank you for sticking with me, but I hope that answered any questions you had about classes, teachers and that whole kind of thing.