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I'm a sophomore year humus and I'm majoring in psychology. I'm Katie on double majoring in communications and marketing, and I'm also a sophomore and welcome to my room. So we live in McKinney, which is all sophomore living community in the Southwest residential area. It's really spacious, which is one of my favorite parts about the dorms here. Her bed and then this is my desk, and this is my bad. So as you can see, we kind of set it up in a nontraditional way where our beds air touching each other. Yep, there's lots of space if you lost them to put stuff underneath them, which is right, which, as you can see, we've done that. We put tons of stuff under our beds just because we have lots of clothes and we want a store. People kind of like walking, so their walk in with a hook. You have space to put all of your stuff, and then they each come with lots of different drawers so you can fit a Tony or clothes and everything in all of here. Then there's a few shelves also in the back right there. So there's a lot of space for all of your stuff, and it's like set up in a really good way. My favorite part about U Mass. Is living with my best friend and living in a dorm with tons of sophomores. We all have a lot in common, and it's a really good environment every day. Louie, my favorite part, is also living Katie because living with your best friend, I highly recommend it on DH. Then also, I love the food, and I love the atmosphere of U Mass because everybody here really loves it and enjoys their time here every single day.