About Campus and Hotel UMass
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So another thing that's really nice about you, Mass is we have this big green open space here. People like to sit here because we have the campus pond, which, when it's sunny and nice out. It was really nice just to sit there and do homework or hang out with friends. That's probably one of my favorites I'll bring like a blanket and just going out with my friends when it's nice out getting a good tan on and your campus pond is usually full of geese today. This is basically this's U Mass. Oh, that's also the U. S. Hotel. Our hospitality and management program has hotel on campus that is completely run by students. You could run that and people can't stay there. So for the graduation, a lot of families will stay there. Or if your family is coming to visit you, they can stay there. That's very nice, and they also have a restaurant in there that is also completely student run.