ILC at UMass
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So it's been a crazy, windy day on campus today, so ignore that, Um, but anyway is also important. I wanted to show you guys a room inside of the I'll see, which is the Integrative Learning Center. A lot of classes are held here, so this is kind of a typical lecture style room. There's a ton of seating, and these desks are super nice. So the chairs pull out and they're like, swivel. Yeah, this is one of the newer buildings, so it's really nice. The teachers will project their screens on the I'm not screen over there the far one and then the closer one here, so you can see it like no matter where you are. A lot of like inter level classes will be in here, and I believe this room seats about one hundred students, So it's definitely one of like the more normal sized classrooms. I wouldn't say it's like a huge classroom or a small classroom um, yeah, some of my classes who had anywhere from fifteen students, toe like four hundred So this is probably like, a medium size classroom, But yeah, welcome to the aisle C. And this is also one of my favorite places to do homework, because in the basement of the I'll see they have a Pete's coffee so you can go and get coffee or tea or anything, and then they have a bunch of study area spaces yeah.