Why I chose to give a Campus Reel Tour

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The reason I wanted to do this tour for campus Riel was a It seemed like a good opportunity just to showcase my school and show everyone what I love about my school. I think this is a really authentic way to look at University of Maryland because you could go on actual tour. You can look on the website and see the statistics and everything, but a lot of colleges have impressive statistics and have a really nice tour guides. Sometimes you need to see the random little details and like an authentic day in the life, I guess, and that really gives you a different perspective. At the same time, I'm only one of thirty something thousand students here, so I guess everyone does have a different experience. That's what's so special about a really big school like Maryland. There's just so much opportunity here and so many places to live so many things to be involved in. If you try out one thing one year and you didn't like that much, do something else.