Alwin Interviews Max about College Park!

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Hey, guys, I'm in stamping on right now, and I'm getting ready to talk to Max about college part. I chose University of Maryland because I kind of wanted to experience something different. Here you can experience like, a bunch of different people in a bunch of different things. Listen, so do you want to describe the student body to us record? Yes. So the student body is great on like There's so much diversity in the student body. Everybody from all walks of life is basically here because it's such a big university, so you could basically find anybody interested in anything. Right now I'm trying to get into business school and do supply Jane. So what do you want to describe the academic climbing for us yet? So I'm currently Nikon Major. I'm trying to get into business school, and the academic climate is kind of rigorous. You could definitely achieved what you wanted to change. So what's your least favorite part about the school for? What's your favorite part of that school? Will you describe both? Scrub. Um, my favorite part of the school is like, how open the campuses. You can always get help from anybody, and you could always just ask questions of people just you see, like on the side of the road, Basically, you can ask them. You think you want Everybody is really friendly here, and it's great. Then least favorite thing I'd probably say is when it gets hot out and you got to make a long ball and you start getting pretty sweaty when you're on your way to classes.