Alwin talks about the size of the University of Maryland College Park!

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We're finally here at the University of Maryland. Marshall Fine is that there's in current enrollment status of a least twenty nine thousand students here. All something about this campus that is very, very large as a lot of space. The thing is there a lot of students, though they're constantly trying to increase this base. They're currently working on a new computer science building that will help increase the space for some of the computer science students and also give them an opportunity to commute to their classes a lot quicker because usually have to walk all the way across campus. The college also has at least one hundred undergraduate programs and over one hundred twenty graduate programs. That college part is pretty huge because, well, there are a lot of different people to meet, a lot of different clubs and organizations to get involved in, um, a lot of different places you can visit. So I just pretty much finished up most of my classes at the University of Shaded glow. That actually gives me an opportunity to come down here and, uh, show you guys some of the places that I think you should definitely check out on campus.