Alwin checks out Capital One Stadium!
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Guys, home right here in front of the football house. The college Park is one of the top rank colleges in the nation with best athletic facilities. You see whether it be tennis, basketball, baseball, whatever sport you can think of way have a ll these facilities to accommodate anyone that comes to your mind way. I'm going to show you guys a few today, starting with Capital one. It's probably Mike Favorite stadium, and I really think you're gonna like it guys? So I'm standing in front of the West Gate in front of the Capitol One stadium right now. It's not accessible to students during the day. I was able to get a pan of the stadium when I was inside. Was a pan because they don't really want students walking around the property. I'll probably say My most memorable experience was when I first came to the stadium for my first football game, it was all some, you know, there were students getting up and cheering for the team as soon as they came out, they released the flag from the bleachers. He was an incredible experience for a lot of students, and I hope you enjoy it, too, if you ever get the opportunity to come down here and take a look at some of the football games.