Nicole gives you a tour of her Dorm Room

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Now, were you on a tour of my room? This's my roommate clear. So you first walk in a room has split into two sides. So we both lofted our bed, so we have a lot more floor space, and people usually do, which is pretty nice. Then Claire will show you our wonderful mini fridge has all of our delicacies, and then we have the closets over here. That's where usually do homework or makeup or whatever, and then dressers back back pretty boring. Pretty average stuff yeah, we actually live in one of the nicer dorms on campus. So because we're in a living and learning program, which it's just kind of like one of the perks, I guess Well, yes. Right next to the library, which is super nice and is pretty close to all of our classes. They're still nice dorms and everything.