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Today I'm gonna be doing a dorm room, huh? I move into college tomorrow. It's a lot of stuff, so let's just get right on into the video. Yeah, this just like final white sheets from drama Fi as well. Honestly, don, if I has been clutch these past few months because I've been shopping for dorm stuff for a very long time, and then I got some pillowcases that just like gray. It's like a throw blanket, if you can't least see it now, Allinson picture as well. You know what? I really don't care. I don't know what's wrong with me, so I'm not always sitting on my floor on the bed. Can you see it? I was like, Why do I need this? And he was, like, 23 $20 for a house, just like you need it. I'm so excited about this because it's so comfortable, Okay? And so I'm not gonna pull it out. So that's cool It on here and all my coffee stuff eso for stories beneath my bed. I thought this is I'm gonna get, like more too, But only grab one for now. This is gonna go on my desk because my dad has, like, a gray marble top to it. I got this little organizer thing to put in my desk to organize things. Got this to hang my iron with honestly, like you were like, why don't you buy a steamer? Because he's being I barely know how to iron. Okay, so another thing from storage that I bought this. Um, well, I'll figure it out whenever I get to my dorm, but yeah. I've been telling you all where where these things air from everything I've showed you from, Like, the storage thing is from target. I don't know, it's a problem, but it's so basic, but I just don't care. I'll show you later but anyway, so I don't know what I'm gonna do. Is that gonna be back on top of my closet in, like, but Stephanie? Yeah, that's it. I'm sharing a room with, like, one of the person know we share a bathroom together. We have different rooms, so Yeah, that's all. Anyways, can you see me? You are Ya don't understand. This room is and it's all, like stuff for my Why look so trash anyway, So I got this little thing, and basically I could hang my towels up on my door whenever I finish using that. Like the white crate that I showed you, I mean, that I told you out is over there as well. Then I got you all be so shook Airpods Wow there, Can you see? Could say while airpods literally I have I've had them for about a month now. When I tell you, they're like the best thing in the world. It's not the one with the touch bar just because, honestly, I didn't see the point spending like 300 extra dollars just for a touch former Whenever it does the same thing with the keys. I'm gonna put a cliche, but first coffee or shine bright like a diamond like that. You can cook stuff on it, but I don't really know how to cook except for things I have like, Have you ever heard of hello French like stuff that, like it already comes packaged for you? I could do that stuff, but hopefully my remaining anyway iron, which is from target as well. So he's gonna come in so much pain and came to make videos about, like, healthy smoothies. Next thing I got are these, like, little flower Billy's, uh, you see? Yeah, really. I'm gonna put that on my desk area in my room, and then I got these lights. It's just like rights law, but they have clipped on them so you can hang, like, pictures and stuff. Um, honestly, I may not use them because gonna put it polaroids up, but I don't know. Okay, guys, the moment we've all been waiting for again the last thing that I bought from Walmart, I hope you can see, But basically, it's like a desk organizer. Um, I'm gonna be a freshman this year at I didn't say it anyway, so I'm so excited I can't wait for college videos. Yeah, if you like this video, make sure give it a thumbs up and Oh, my gosh, My don't scare me. So if you like to be a mission to give it a big thumbs up in common down below what school you're going to cause that's exciting to know. Yeah, it makes you subscribe and turn your post notifications one.