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I'm here every day for about two and a half hours. Business class is so with my double may drive to balance that out because I want to be on track to graduate in four years. I definitely feel like my head was blocking out a significant portion of it, but it was gotten from the outside part, too. You can see people just kind of like to and out there. I definitely like to do my homework right there underneath those umbrellas. It's just it's a very nice area, and then you can see that is our Arby's right there, painted blue and white because Rod Cat Spirit and then it leads into the rest of it. Okay, here's my friend it What's up, Nick? So let's check out the inside. This is my favorite voting because it's my major. As I said before, I'm going to show you around on a little door, so just come with me. It's called Human Resource Is and the teacher has been so helpful. I really enjoy it, and it only has about forty students in it. This is my accounting to O to class with Professor Burge's. It's the last accounting class have to take from my major, which is really nice, because I kind of struggled with accounting. So definitely take advantage of your professor's office hours because they're truly there to help you. This is like the main area when you walk into Gatton like students just kind of hang out here, do their homework and stuff that's called like the Social Staircase, and I definitely have sat there with my friends like before class. It's just got a really nice place, just like hang out and get some stuff done between classes. It offers tutoring sessions for every single economics in accounting class within Gatton, which is so helpful, so definitely check that out.