Interview with KB about Nursing, Activities & Senior Advice

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Hey, guys, You might recognise Katie vet from the video that I posted about cookout restaurant and how to kind of go different places off campus for food. Today I'm with her to talk about kind of some, like, general questions about UK. So what is the major? So I am a pre nursing major. What? Who does science taking all those fun pre nursing classes right now? And I just applied to college of nursing. So I will find out this joon whether I got it or not. How did you pick, like our nursing program in comparison to other schools. So you apply for UK when you are a senior in high school doing all that fun stuff, and then you get accepted as a pre nursing major. Then they accept one hundred people in the fall of a hundred people in the spring. Which means you have to work really hard to be able to get. It is there's a lot more than two hundred people that want to be in the college of nursing, so it's a competitive program. That's an advantage because you have to work really hard and they really care about the people that they're selected to be in the program. It's a really great program overall on really close knit and small within, uh, the community here in campus, way with your workload. What are some of your favorite things todo to really, to really stress walking around campus is so nice. I mean, like, we just have the coziest little campus. There's so many trees and grass, even though that we're surrounded by buildings. That's really nice, like just de stress getting your earbuds. I also very much enjoy going to coffee shop so you can find me on any given day seriously and days and all that. It is a big campus, which can be a con, but it's also so cozy and close knit. There's so many organizations on campus to get plugged into that make it feel like home. Not just this big, scary place that get lost in the kinds of UK is it is big, like not everyone is best fit for a big school, and it is a big school and you'll have crosses where your lecture and there are, like, two hundred other people around you, and it narrows down what you get into your major and taking different sauces and gets smaller. That definitely can't be a con for a lot of people. I feel like even if you aren't necessarily like a big school type person, a lot of things can draw you in, like with a big school. I think one of our pros is that we have so much spirit and like we're so festive and it's such a diverting third piece. So numbers all over the world in UK, and it is just the coolest thing. Yeah, like I have a friend from Nepal Now you like, came here for a environmental program. So we're on campus and you just hear different languages and conversations with people, and it's awesome. Yeah, If you're a senior in high school right now, what would be some advice that you would give yourself from your perspective now, and all the knowledge that you have all this knowledge, all the college knowledge, almost make college knowledge your college that I would just be prepared to work really hard going with the mindset that you're gonna have to study a lot, but also that it's so much fun and you get to meet so many amazing people on DH. It's just something to look forward to and be excited about going with that mindset, like, Yeah, I'm here to learn and I'm here to meet people and learn about life different ways, apart from just the classroom. Just be open, Geo, come here and like just experience for all that it is because it's so much more than you could realize when you're in high school and you just have to live through it and like be patient and just take the time to appreciate where you're at now and then where you're at, but you're in college to enjoy the moments.