Champions Kitchen-Dining Hall #1
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This is our newest one is located on North campus, and it's within our brand new student center. Students who leave in any one of the resident tall, any kind of, um on campus dorm are required to have a meal plan, and so the cheapest meal plan option is fifteen hundred dollars, and that means you have ten meal swipes per week and so you can swipe in and you can have assed much food as you want within the buffet, and you can also take it to go box the food back to your dorm, which is super super nice, and then the most expensive one is twenty one hundred. That means you didn't go in twenty times a day as much as you want, and you can have ten meal guests wipes and get four hundred dollars with flex. So flexes something different that is taken at any of the on campus dining options, such as any of the food offered in the student center, like subway Chick fil A panda or we have other restaurant options on campus, and they also take flex.