Greek Life at UIUC! Sorority House Tour & My Experience!

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Hey, guys, as walking past my sorority house, coming back on the school social X. I just figured, Why not show you guys a Greek life at U of ice? Actually, a really big deal? You can do it or you don't have to, but we actually have the most amount of chapters on campus. So I think them nineteen sororities in forty nine return news and with the attorneys is also like professional fraternities like business frats and teaching brats and engineering threats. So this is what the inside of our house looks like atyou about. You typically live in a sorority house as a software. I also live for an actor semester, my junior year, so that I wouldn't have to pay sub lease when I went abroad. Say, as you can see, this is our kitchen. Okay, what's up? What's up? Um, we just like to hang out here. Sometimes I like to play on that double on that a little bit. Well, this is just a little bit of the decorations we have in our house decoration committee. These are some of the pictures for me studying abroad in Morocco and in Prague. This is an example of a room and defy kind of spring it on them. As I said, I kind of spring it on them, so the room wasn't in the best shape. Just out here, trying to give you a realistic view of you on Yeah, Greek life has definitely been a huge part of my college experience. I actually didn't partake in grief life as a freshman. I don't really think it was for me, and my freshman year was great. I just found that most my friends were in Greek life, so I decided to give it a try, and I absolutely love it. It's just really expanded my college career and link me to so my best friends.