Explore Grainger, Engineering Library with me!
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Guys, I'm about take you into the engineering library. I just wanted to do a little intro here because obviously, everybody studying it's gonna be super quiet, so I don't wanna be the only one talking to my phone would be a little uncomfortable. Yeah, so I mean, so I'm about to us on the first floor, something that's really cool about first floor on in the libraries that you can rent like a bunch of technology, such as, like Gopro's or Dslr with your cameras. Or you can just like, Grant laptop chargers or phone Chargers was just super convenient. So right there is what I was just talking about. There's a bunch of study rooms like, Over here. It looks like they're occupied right now, so I can take you there, but no. Well, that's it for the engineering library. The hardest part about it is just, honestly, time management. As you come to college, you will see that you're definitely not in class as long as you are in high school. The beauty about colleges that you probably only have class like Teo four hours. Excuse me for hours a day, but so you definitely have a lot of time for working all that, Uh, my number one tip is to immediately go to the library or wherever you prefer to study whether it started. So even your doorman to go home and finish your homework, or else you're gonna uppercrust me and, you know, get tempted to do other things like going out and stuff like that. So that's definitely my number one tip for studying.