Adam shares more on his favorite class: Programming for Engineers

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My favorite class was probably E 1 60 which is programming for engineers, so that I took that in the spring spring of my freshman year and I enjoyed that a lot because there was a lot of it was coding, so I first learned how to code and I got to do some problem solving and just apply kind of more and more engineering way of thinking to the class, and I got to use code to help solve problems. This type of student I am is a very kind of, I would say hardworking and kind of motivated. So I think that's kind of a good type of mindset to have if you're going into engineering because as an engineer, you're gonna need a few things, you're going to need to be persistent because engineering is tough, like the job is tough and your classes are tough, so you need to be persistent, no matter how hard it gets, you need to keep, keep going and just pick yourself back up and keep trying. You also need to work well with others because engineering is all about working with others, You don't do projects on your own, it's always a team effort and also you have to be very good at communicating because as an engineer, you can think of a whole bunch of different projects and ideas and solutions, but if you can't communicate them effectively, then they're basically useless.