Top-notch advice from Ray!
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One good thing about Georgia that I mentioned is that their study places everywhere. There are two study rooms in the top floor of my dorm, as well as the big programming room that I told you that I showed you about, including the parlor's. All of the high rises have lounges, knowledge areas on every floor, every building that I've ever been to has an area, a lobby area where you could work. Then there's the entire M. O. C. On which a lot of it is dedicated to studying and group studying. This is the twenty first century, so I don't need to check out books to do my work. Oh, but I do spend probably an hour a day I'm studying at least depending on if I have an essay due from English class and I do more so there. I do my studying kind of where I can on DH. That's the great thing about Georgia, is that every building has WiFi. It's actually crazy because I was on a bus and I was listening to music, and sometimes the music would stop because on the bus route, my phone is jumping from wife Ida WiFi to WiFi because the connection is yes, that strong you can study outside, you can study inside. So that's a great thing about Georgia, and you do have to go find your perfect environment for study. I know for me I can pretty much make it anywhere out. Where's not super quiet? Neither super distracting, because I have my airpods. Sometimes classical, because it's not words that I can focus on. This week has been crazy because it's mid term season. So so many classes are buckling down on a lot of assignments and a lot of homework and then as a music major, Growing demands for that. The best thing you could do is to schedule out your time and make sure that in your mind. Once you get your schedule finalized during orientation during your summer, you wanna make sure that once you get to campus, you walk through and you go to every class that you need to go to and kind of do a walkthrough of your schedule. You want to make sure that you schedule your time to eat when you're going to grab lunch. When you go to grab breakfast, how much time do you need in between? And the main thing, The conquering college, No matter if you have two classes every day or five classes every day is to schedule your time and make sure that you're doing things wisely.