Ray takes you through MLC
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Now we're going to take you to one of the most busiest corners. One of the busiest corners on campus, Wei, have the MSC learning center right there. They're adding on to new business buildings for their master program. Behind those trees over there is the state senator. It's where a lot of student activities are held, But right now I'm going into Elsie Miller and I'm gonna give you some of nice things about this. Four floors, A lot of learning their classes here, and the fourth floor is like completely for study. There's It's actually kind of like a quiet floor. There's tons of little rooms in Master and I'll show you this is the bottom floor, Miller. I'm already I feel smart, just like no, but he's a nice diagram on the outside that I showed you. Oh, and we're in the John Ford, which is like right there, Sorry well, but yeah, come on. Likes your halls, but a few of them on second floor, Jittery Joe's coffee, the security thing and in the middle of these flowers are all staying. Placing officers over there quick and info desk talk to you about that in a little. Jittery Joes is right here on the second floor, and you can tell that their group study rubes. Green section right there group study rooms on every floor. You know, multiple people with everything on a project that come together and and I promise you, every building on campus has some place to stay so that you could be efficient. This isn't where there's another picture doing construction and this is where it started. Guys, the amphitheater and it's on the ground floor and you can see there's people who study here. Yuji is great for having studied places on campus literally. You can make almost any place here a study place, whether it's outdoors or indoors, make that very excessive now, going up to bed. I personally, I don't have a computer, but there are literally hundreds desktops here, and it goes for you down there and now they're even others Max. There's the Stall Street journal of Wall Street on it's posted. James installs, I think, actually behind the door, every stone. With thirty six thousand people, thirty six thousand students, there's greatness steady.