Take a tour through Jennings Residential Hall with Kristen and CJ

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Then here's what side's yours, This line one. So you get you're bad in a mattress, you get chair chair. Three drawers, um, desk, the desk like side drawer thing. There's only one side of the room gets a mirror. Yeah, and then you get their blood storage, the closet. Underneath the bad. You can get some storage. I like interacting with people in the hallway, like every time. So this's good interview tips that you're able pose, and then I have one about. So why did you choose to live here rather than other dorms shows Living Jennings just because, like how close it wass. I knew it was gonna be a social dorm, and I was like, you know, after that, I definitely live in an apartment or something. So for the first year to get that, like, real college experience sharing a bathroom, that I like having a roommate. Did you know your roommate before or how did you find? We find each other on Facebook and she's from New York. So I knew I wanted someone who was also out of state is feeling everybody knows each other. I don't want someone who was still like time. Here's that bridge that I just was walking on earlier. So this is the Jennings Pond, and there's no fish. Then you feel like you're crossing like, a magical rainbow, right? Well, maybe not, but this is like Jennings is so close to camp. You're maybe a five minute walk from the nearest dining hall. Baby and Rawlings, I would say, our best storms on campus.