What We Wish We Knew Before Applying to DU

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We're gonna be talking about what we wish we knew what we were applying to colleges. Yeah, So I guess I'll start the one big thing that I wish I knew or considered before anything to do you is the rank of the science department. There are so many other schools in Colorado, probably higher ranking. I'm not sure exactly what I want to do with science so far, but I just know that I wish I was at a school where there was more opportunity in that field. The science department is somewhat lacking, I guess at do you say I do wish I had considered more when I was choosing schools, what I wanted to do. I didn't know what I wanted to major in yet when I was applying because you apply so much earlier than when you actually go to school. So I think that is that's kind of a hard piece of advice to take. The main thing that I wish I knew when applying to schools was just to apply to more of them. I know there's like the application fees and stuff, and that is the reason why I didn't apply more of them. Because I didn't apply more schools, I ended up at a school that was not my first choice. I thought I would not have no trouble getting into bed. No trouble getting a really big scholarship to you because I had above the minimum GP and above the minimum test scores needed to get in and get a good scholarship. I learned that just because on paper it looks like you should get a scholarship, you always or you won't get a big enough scholarship or you won't get as big of oneness you were expecting. So I wish that I had just applied to more schools that I wanted to go to less than my favorite school. More than you, and then I would have ended up at some middle ground. I definitely agree with you about want I wish I kind of found videos like this or did more research on do you to kind of picture how it would actually be like on campus. I just kind of went into this because the scholarship was good flirting. I kind of wish I took more time to make that decision or to find a better option because my dream school was far out of reach. Like after I got accepted, like there was just no way I was going there for a lot of reasons. I would just say, Take the time to really make sure this decision is gonna be with it for the next four years of your life. Yeah, I would say I also wish that I had considered diversity more when choosing a school. I thought it wouldn't really bother me that much. Lot coming from a diverse high school in a diverse family. It's by a shock to him to a place where, like, I think, 97% of students are white. So I wish that I had thought a little bit more about that before choosing this. Yeah, that's actually a really, really big one, because when you're different, you definitely stand out. You feel different, and it's very obvious here. I know it sucks to hear it, But it's your something we have we've had to deal with, as it's hard and themselves most of the time. That's something you don't want to think about before you decided. Thank you guys so much for turning into this video. Hopefully, you liked our do you seriously? Let us know if there's any other videos you want us to make.