What is DU Really Like?

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Welcome to our Q and a video where we talk about our school, the University of Denver. We're just gonna go through it, introduce ourselves what year we are. I'm a biology major, and I am a second year as well. So I guess we'll start first by talking a little bit about our general experience our first year here at you. Personally, I thought my first year was pretty okay. It was a nice transition from high school to college. I feel like my costs were extremely hard, but I do think that do you wasn't the best choice for me personally because I'm a biochemistry. Major sciences are a little bit if you here, but I'd also say that around the winter quarter, it was just kind of tough being away from my family and it gets very cold and you don't want to go to class. I am in this major and we do have a someone school, so different, guys. I had some of these, All right, so the next thing we want to talk about is the student climate, and what do you kids are like? So when I first came here is kind of a big culture shock because I'm originally from Denver, which is what do you? Is it Theo? High school I went to was very diapers, and I also lived in the suburbs of Denver, where there are a lot of different types of people on the view population. It's mostly white people who come from the same economic background. Yeah, it's kind of like it has, like, the vibe of like, you have to be rich to go here, but I'd say that's like the big, like Syria type on campus. So the last thing we're gonna do today is gonna each save one pro and con of going to do you. So my pros at the campus is very beautiful in the summer of one turn of the spring, and it just has really good lives. My car will definitely be that the science department is not my pro is definitely a baby and, like it really helps to be close to home. I miss my dog all the time, so I just hop in my car and go my con things air just kind of unorganized and like their times of really cool campus events. There's no like it seems like no one actually knows about the events that are going on, and I feel like the school puts in tons of money into these events. Really beautiful campus we have, and we're not.