Talking to Georgie about UD + taking shuttles to class!
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Hi, My name is Georgie, Honey, I'm from their lives. I chose the University of Delaware because I just love the community and the openness. There's always so much to do on the weekends here. Overall, it's in the student body is very creative. We do this thing every year called You dance, where we raise money for childhood cancer. There's so many events like that were always having, like, fundraiser, walk something. Yeah, there's just so many ways to get involved on campus. There's so many clubs to choose from, So it's really not hard to find your knish knish, Whatever that one, you know, it's so easy to make friends here, too. Yeah, so what's your favorite part about? You name it. There's so many great things, but I don't see going to sporting. That's the sporting events are always a lot of fun, like basketball, football, many sporting events because you could dress up and then you get free stuff usually feeling forget. You're on your team, Teo and head supporting hands. My least favorite part you need, you know, I really think I have anything to say, but that's maybe just like being far away like I live on North Campus. So that's kind of far away from being like like close to Central campus, where all the academic buildings are. So I would say, like, if you were closer to North Campus, that's kind of a downside to being far away from all the academic buildings. So one thing we do have to help with that problem is a really great transportation system. As we all know, we take the shuttle's around here so the walk can be a little bit far. Their shuttles that run like every five or ten minutes. So you can always take a shuttle to get to your class or all the way to South Campus, to the Cream Marie to the sporting games. They have buses on the weekends to go to all the games, but the buses are in place to help with that.