Meet Javi!
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
My men in your business, second semester sophomore Today I will be your campus real tour guide. Hopefully, answers and the questions that you might have and hopefully I will show you their place. Just You guys know you can ask anyways, move here to be with Billie. Why? Because of the fact that I love, I couple things about myself. Hopefully I will be answering any questions that you guys have about this place. What is called University of Delaware, Hopefully I get to answer any questions that there is hopefully get to show you the facility's what? It's like being a student here. They're possible resource that you might be able to get what it's like. So you know socially on what it's like academically. With that being said, hope you help that I do, you know, probably get with my tour. I hope you guys have a good morning, evening or night, depending where you watching Bye..