Lily shows you a lecture hall!
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Hey, guys, what's up? I'm here in Smith Hall, which is a lot of signs classes in this building. So this is what a typical lecture hall will look like. It may seem a little bit large, but it's really not a lot of the classes that are large like this. We'll have something called a Nike liquor, which is a little remote control where the professor rule post a question on the board and you'll click in your answer. You, Khun, actively participate, which is a really cool and fun way to do that. So I would say this is about maybe one hundred seats or self. So nothing too dramatic on this is pretty much like the biggest class I've ever had would be about this size. Yeah, the professor will stand up here in the front. That way you can really see lots of blackboard space. Those blackboards move up and down, which is really cool. You see the little gas nozzles and what not, but yeah, this is a typical lecture hall at you.