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Interview with Yeliz
Here’s my friend Yeliz talking a little about what she’s involved in at UD and her advice for incoming freshman.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So this is my friend yelling, and she's gonna tell you a little bit about yourself. All right? So what do you this I am a sophomore at the University of Delaware, majoring in my laboratory sciences. Um, my future quarter is to become a medical lab for scientists like a hospital. So what's your favorite thing to do on him? Uh, my favorite thing to do on campus right there than well, other than just hanging out with friends is to volunteer with compact. It's one of the organization's at the university of Dollars. That's pretty cool of Yemeni advice for any incoming freshman. Go to office hours and basically go to tutors and make friends get their numbers, do some study sessions because you leave.
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