UC Dining Halls
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On the green called TG Way down in all the best I know. How does the confined Compared to the other dining halls, food is like fresh. It doesn't seem like it's like actually lying in wait. Tell me about the other dining hall's real quick. A brief summary of them over liable, always open, always got cereal. How would you rate you? Seize dining halls overall? Howard right now. Okay, So Max and I just came back from on the green. That would be the probably nicest food place here at U. C. Um, there are also other options that I think, uh, might as well just mentioned while we're on the subject, there's some stop and go places at the rec center there at that, which is the art school and at the food court, right in the bottom in the basement area. In addition to that, there is market point, which there's really good tenders there. Um, there's also a place called Cat's Keller, the basement of the food court. They have a pub there, which is pretty interesting, but they also served coffee there, and it's more of a grab and go place. In addition of that, there is a place called Stadium View, which is right by the stadium. They got hot dogs and burgers and fries and pizza and stuff like that on DH. Then, as Max mentioned before center core center courts of bigger place, which it has a wide variety stuff always has subs. Always has pizza always has, like, noodles and stuff. Then the other, like main entrees like, uh rotate. So there's plenty of options for food that you see wherever you're at. As Max said, I'd also rate the food like seven out of ten.