TUC the heart of campus
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I just came back with the class, my friend Rob, So getting it on were going ahead to t you see right there way gotta break in between classes. So we're gonna do a little homework, maybe eat some Taco Bell. Yes, I am taking her out, okay? So tell me your name. What Major, You're in one thing you like about. You see one thing you don't like about you see? So I am a communication major with a minor mark. Here, Speak a little about the graduate A few months here and then, um, one thing I like about you see, I would say the cost of tuition there's a big one because they're in state tuition is really relatively cheap, and it's really affordable. Uh, one thing I like about, you see? I would say the scholarship opportunities are a little bit minimal relative to other other places. Uh, this is what I've heard from most people is that it's It's a little hard, tio. Apply and get a significant amount of money off of granite. Where are we right now? We are in the tangent universities. Like, really? I'd say I'd say you consider the party part of campus in a lot of ways, I mean, most time and people get harder campus, you think of, like a big, you know, scholastic looking building with, you know, like pillars and like grand halls. Uh, you see, it is like we're everything happens, like theirs. It's where we said with square, like a bunch of volunteer stands or set up. This is where Taco Bell and Chick plays that, uh, mentioned Burger King and then Graham Greene's two girls Better Timmy restaurant. Nor will I probably ever eat at Taco John's book stores here. Bookstore get you see gear at the bookstore slash Yeah. Um, and then One thing about you see is like, really essentially and you can even see not just like getting pretty much everywhere around campus with relatively same time, but it's also just kind of where you sit around children. It's a food place grab and go sandwiches, but also twenty one. Yes, and life happened on their rights, like game nights go on, speakers upstairs. One time Bernie Sanders was up there every little Bernie. There's a giant TV, as you guys probably saw, that advertises movies on things that go on around campus. They have free movie nights like, really new movies, too, So yeah, Cool. It's normally where they have sandwiches or coffee, whatever it is, but it's close to the moment. It's a pretty cool spot to do your own work.