Tour of Campus Rec Center

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So here's a view of the pool man as a lazy river three. Obviously, if you have that you see idea, there's a hot which is also, um rock climbing, But yeah, it's pretty nice. Compact it because again, it's a lot of buildings here, a lot of things, but just low space. So everything's just kind of on top of each other. Ever replace this? A lot of space for that that's gone. You know, if you're this woman lapse, you want the good workout works out everything. I mean, free hot or parts of what you pay for tuition. As I said before, it's like a like it's ranked pretty high, whatever that means. Maybe, but there's a lot of nice equipment, a lot of riots of what classes is Max set, but it is pretty full time. It's a lot of people here, so that's the big con. As you can see, just like today, pretty packed a lot of machines.