Overview of entire campus
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As I said in my introduction, Video campus is mostly on a block half mile by half mile. So I took a video driving around the block and just spend it up a little bit, so it wasn't so long. Some stuff is outside like, for example, met campus. Far to the right is DAP. I have a video doing a brief tour of that. Building is across the tower there, actually tearing it down soon. This is the opposite side of campus from where I live. Ah, about a twenty minute walk exactly from there, and I live pretty far from there. It is when it comes to the places that you can live to. The right is the library for the library of the main one, and a parking garage you see is a big commuter school. So a lot of people actually do drive in and park there and other garages. You can't really see it, but behind it they just built a new one, and it's super nice right there. When it comes to dorms, you can get really that nice dorms. That brick building is also dorms, but also on the green, which is thief food Court that I tour and down that street in between that building coffee shop in between that building and that gray and round one. If you go straight down there, I'Ll head towards the engineering building. That building of the great top is the dorm that I dont down my freshman year. It was nice because we, like, shared a restroom between four guys. Like the honors, dorms, sports storms, I don't play sports, and I'm not in honors. There's some sports fields and in between that bubble thing and that building right there, if you go straight down that road to go to the College Conservatory of Music, which is where the E media division is located, that gas station Kroger, They just built a new Kroger. So we're approaching Ah, one of the main strips when it comes to food, like directly right off campus. Adams Average choices, you know, Subway, you know of there are no its usage. Right there they play like classical music on that square. In the summer time, people generally will get food and eat out in that square, but obviously it's cold. There, like apartments you see, really is just doesn't have a lot of space. So they're just doing everything they can have housing options Refreshing. Ah, lot of musicals or these performances plays whatever. We'LL be there law school, teaching college, the right. There's Woody's right there, which is the bar you go to. Yeah, my battery died, so I was like, taking spread videos, But teachers college to the right, and we're approaching this. A tall, pointy building that is thie picnic in College of Arts and Sciences. Communication, a lot of different majors there. I take my communication courses there, and now we're coming right back.