Dining Halls & Meal Plans

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So we're in front of sixty three South, which is one of the two dining halls on campus. So this is the dining hall is on the south side of campus. So if you live in Neptune, I hear Hercules says Academic Village or Apollo and Liberal, which are two freshmen only dorms. This is probably where you would go eat if you have a meal plan. We're not able to film in there, but it is buffet style, and I'm gonna go ahead and talk about some of the other food options on campus. I think the meal plan is worth it and even show you some of the food options. So if you live in towers, this is probably the dining hall that you would go Teo. So I lived on campus my freshman and sophomore year, and now I'm living off campus my junior year, which turns out to also be my final York's I'm graduating early, so I never had a meal plan during my three years, and I strongly advise against a meal plan so each meal plan is over a grand and you can go on basically, the UCF read it. Before I became a student, I did a lot of reading on the UCF. Read it, and now I comment on the UCF write and type of wisdom I can give, but essentially you've got to be eating at the dining hall three times a day to get your money's worth and freshman year. I did a lot of social eating, and I think that's pretty common. If you want to hang out with friends, you might go try any restaurant or you might go for food. So then you're going to use the dining hall a lot less So. My freshman year, I basically Social Aid made a lot of sandwiches because I had a mini fridge in my room and I got a lot of food from the public's hot case. Publix is within, like four miles of campus, and every Tuesday, if you don't have a car, there's a grocery shuttle provided by SG A that takes you to Publix and brings you back to campus serial to stock up your mini fridge. Then we also had the communal kitchen on the floor, and I tried to use that a few times. As you can imagine, with first time in college, students got quite messy, so it wasn't my favorite thing to use. I definitely think life without a meal plan is very doable and much more affordable for you.