Check out a typical Lecture Hall and Classroom!

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So in this video, be showing you guys well, the classroom and Electra Hall. So this is the classroom, dude, that's got usually in a big circle like this, they usually in Rose, and there's typically, uh, desk at the front with a computer and a projector, like a little elmo for the professor to work out problems. There's usually a big projector at the top and then a whiteboard in the front. So now I'm going to take you guys into in the lecture hall. Right now we're in classroom building one, so it's a mixture of both lecture halls and classrooms in this building. Usually you'll have your seats, and then there's always a little piece of a desk for you, too. Pick up and move around for you to put your back pack like next to or your notebook on top of or a laptop if you have one. Then the professor is using in the front at the desk on DH right up in that Syl by the flag. So that sort of typical classroom and electrical looks like Here you see it and let's end of this video.