Tour Knight's Circle Shared Space

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I'm gonna show you a four four nights circle, which is what I currently live in. You see a billion apartment complex right across the street from campus. So let's take a look ad with the apartment looks like. Then the next video, I'LL go ahead and show you with my individual room looks like. So we're gonna go ahead and start with the laundry room so every unit in Night Circle is fully equipped with a washer and a dryer, so you can see we have our Christmas tree. There's our water heater, and then we have some additional storage space, and we have something called Valley Recycling and Night Circle. So every Wednesday you can put out the blue bag filled with recyclables, and someone will actually come and pick it up in recycling for you. So at night circle, get Valley trash six days a week. We have a little chart here where if you're using a washer dryer, you put your symbol. If I'm using the washer, I would put the hot air balloon there and just a really great way for us to know whose stuff is in the units. So that's right when you walked into our apartment, and then what? Keep it taking a look so way have our thermostat. This is where we put our keys and then let's go ahead, take a look at the kitchen. So what's really nice is you get a fridge, a microwave and an oven included in your unit and basically all you need to cook your best meal at college. Then you also get a dishwasher night circle, which is really cool, because when we lived on campus. So we use living afford to last year on campus in the Hercules apartment, and now we live in a four four here at night. So it's really nice because you get a dishwasher, which is down there. So let's keep going and taking you look so way have the first bedroom right there and then we have the second bedroom, which is over there, and now we're here. They're so nice circles, a fully furnished apartment. So most of the furniture you see came with the unit. So this dining room table with four chairs came with the unit. We added the two additional chairs you see here, so additional cheer traditional cheer and then the coffee table and those two sofa pieces came there. So I've previously mentioned spirits flash in a video and you can see some of the spirits flash ducks here. So I have one mermaid who just really love collecting rubber duck. So that's her collection out here, and we have our tapestry hanging up right there that you can see something that I think is really cool about our apartments is we always will have some form of guest book in our apartment. So last year we had a sticking up wall, so every guest that came to our apartment would sign their name on a sticking out, and then they would post it on the wall, and I was one of the walls in our living room. This year we have great, so right here we have what we call guess Jenga. So that's that's a really cool way for us to see who all comes to our apartment but also for everyone to kind of have their own interactive spin within their apartment. Then over here is the second part of our living room. So if you live in a tutu and night circle, you don't have this additional space here. Because we live in a four four, which is the bigger unit of Night circle, we do have that space. So we added a TV here and a TV stand, which we love because we enjoy binging TV thing. So we've been ninety day fiance and broadchurch together, and we did that here. This sofa right here came with the unit, so you don't get a lot of for sure, and you get a lot of space. It is our biggest student apartment complex, so there are three different phases and they're about thirty seven buildings and there are two twos. So if you want to live in night circle, you're gonna want to sign early. So we moved in August of last year, and we signed a released the December before the year we moved in and Night Circle was sold out of bedrooms come about March or April, so it's definitely of the more popular complexes. So the shuttle that takes it from your apartment directly to campus and then it's also one of two complexes that are UCF affiliated, which means UCF does have a say, and it's more connected within the student living that goes on here. So we have to live here in space that you've seen, and then what's really cool is we have a nice balcony that I'm gonna take you out on. So let's go home and take a look of the view so we don't have any furniture out here, and it's very dark because we're looking at night. You can see that there is an ample amount of parking spots and with.