The Best Architecture on Campus

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So we're here at teaching Academy, which is probably the prettiest building on its right. Yeah, so we're going to take you inside the building, show you some cool features and also one of the classrooms inside the building. So we're here in the teaching academy where there's a piano that students are able to play for free. It's on the first floor lovely study area that students can relax, enjoy and get their schoolwork done. The view is absolutely gorgeous because the entire building is glass frames, as you can see. So we're here now, and one of the Classrooms and Teaching Academy, which I think is easily the best building on campus. So we're going to give you a little look at one of these classrooms, so these costumes are typically used by education majors. What's really nice is if you come on weekends around oftime, you can use any class Raza studies face. So when we were walking around trying to find an empty classroom, the film and we saw many students taking advantage of it doing study groups in these rooms. So it's really great for a group setting, so As you can see, you've got plenty of white board space. There is a computer there where you could hook into the projector. We've got another screen over there, some more white board space. So let's take a moment to talk about class sizes and kind of our favorite classes at U C. A. So I started to Emily. So what's been your favorite class at U C Out? Um, probably calculus just because that really good professor. So I'm in the XL program, and this is a program unique. Teo, You see up where it really helps some major Staines them. So you get quote unquote the best math teacher, smaller class sizes, and they have little programs where it kind of sounds a little lame at first. You have toe put in three hours at allowed to do homework, and during those three hours you get goth circling around with any questions that you may have. When it comes to the average class size, how many people would you say are typically in your classes. If you're generalized in on any of the smaller programs, there's lot sizes could be close to three hundred. If your honor's probably twenty to thirty and if, as you go higher in your major and it's more specialized, it will go down to think about one hundred one fifty Nice..