Need a Doctor's Note?

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Hey, everyone, we're now in front of the help center, so one of your fees that's including your tuition fees is a healthy, and that money goes right here to the health center. So with your sanity, you can have a free doctor's appointment whenever you'd like during the semester. So the rule of thumb is, as long as they don't put something in your takes, something out of you. So if you're feeling a little under the weather, this is a great way to get checked up on. There's partition are actually recommended Neosporin for acne. I actually still use the trick to this day because it dries out the people's so little pro tip for you, the more you know, there's also a pharmacy on the first floor and within the pharmacy there's a convenience store, and the cheapest place on campus for snacks is that convenience store on the first floor of the health center. Don't go toe pod, which is connected to Neptune. This is where you want to come for the least expensive.