Millican Hall, Reflection Pond, and Spirit Splash

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Hi. So we're here in front of Millikan Hall. So if you have any questions regarding financial aid mean you see the register for transcripts, anything like that you'LL come into here. This is also where the office of the President is and not really the most fun thing here, but essential. If you turn around you'll get to see one of the prized possessions of university attraction. Yes, it's a great place if you're ever soothe mountain like, really like, yeah, and something cool about the reflection pond. Is this spirit washing called every year? So it's part of homecoming week. In October of really October October, every year they throw rubber ducks into this pond and you can try to get one of those ducks, so it's usually held on a Friday afternoon around one and hear the end of our homecoming week. If you're able to want to get one of those ducks, it's definitely something to brag about. So be careful because it gets very aggressive out here. Think of this pond just filled with thousands and thousands of college students, all trying to get Robert.