Interview with Daniela

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So we're here with Daniella and Daniel is going to give us a little bit of insight about her UCF experience. So what made you choose UCF is your college, um paid thin, honest answer. I'll take, uh, What has been your favorite thing about UCF? Um I really like the honors college a lot because I feel like it. It helped make the university feels smaller, especially in the beginning when I came in and it's the biggest university in the US It's not really helped. It feel smaller for me and then from there, kind of gained the confidence, too. What has been your favorite either on campus event or favorite. You took just something that's been really memorable about your experience. I would say that probably my favorite class was also my least favorite class. Justin, Toshi because, um, as faras difficulty is probably one of the hardest classes that I've taken. It was also one of the smallest classes, and everyone had a hard time, so we all got to know each other really Well, that's a lot of my good friends that you see it came from, You know, it was a really good experience, socially, but really, um, kind of tough academic. You have to an incoming night to an incoming night, I'd say, Don't be afraid to go out on a limb. You know, uh, kind of do things that make you feel a little bit uncomfortable, because then you'll you'LL make a lot of friends that way. You know, at a place like this is so easy to Teo feel alone. I think when there's so many people around easily isolate yourself. Um, but if you put yourself in situations where you make sure that you're building those connections and making sure that you have friends and a support system to back you up ever.