Interview with Amanda

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So we're here with Amanda, and Amanda's gonna tell us a little bit about her UCF experience. So let's start with why you chose to come to use you. So I chose to come to you, see a kind of out of nowhere I toward every single school in Florida. As soon as I walked on campus, which I didn't want it torn here, um, I was like, I'm right. So you walk on campus and it was one of the only ones that I actually had. People like walking around in here, whereas a lot of the other schools I went to, you didn't really see that. There's a lot of favors and what's been one of your favorite UCF experiences that you've had, I'd say, like academically. Being in the college of business is great because it really prepares you for what? A lot of people aren't Superfund of some of the classes classes, because for someone like me who have no idea what they wanted to do with their lives so academically being a business helpful and then socially football games hello, going from a team that was like, Oh, and twelve to thirteen. I know over the course of a couple of years since I've been here, a really cool thing to see that were just like, yeah, and then you're graduating. You're going to be coming back to UCF around, too. So you want to talk us through your decision to pursue grad school here and then what you're studying? So for my undergrad, I did marketing with a nonprofit management certificate which I added the nonprofit Mint research to get a little bit later on. Once I decided that that was kind of the realm that I wanted to go to and then for grad school, I just applied toe one program because I had it pretty much narrowed down after a lot of research. I will be doing the Educational Leadership Masters program, and I chose to come back, you see, mainly because I feel comfortable with how things are all right here. Like I understand who I need to call for what, and even though it is a big school, it kind of feels a lot smaller because I've been dealing with the same kind of like administrative people as well as professors and students. Itjust feels comfortable, all right? And last question advice he would have to an incoming night. It's also really not fun if you're not doing too well in your classes. So try to stay on top of, like, you know, figuring out what works best for you in terms of whether you need to write down all of your assignment or start a calendar online or what you need to do. Because just remembering doesn't work in college like it doesn't highschool because it goes real quick, especially to get busy with your friends and whatever, but just have fun, but thanks, Amanda.