Football, Basketball, & Baseball

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So let's talk about sports were outside Spectrum Stadium, which was previously named right house stadia. So both our stadium, an arena, have had named changes since I've been a student, but it's still the same sponsor. This you speak right House Stadium, but it's still often referred to as the Bounce House. So something I got to experience when you go to your first you see a football game is there's a song that plays and everyone starts jumping up and down the metal bleachers and the energy is absolutely insane. It's one of the coolest things ever, and it's one of those things where you just got to go and experience it. This is where our U. C F football plays, So this is addition Arena. It was previously named Cft Arena up until about three weeks ago. Were now on the north side of campus, So this is memory mall A. So that's the side closest on our side, and it's right across from Edition Arena. Our men's basketball women's basketball plays here. Our homecoming concert homecoming comedy show during Welcome Welcome Week is called Pegasus Pollux Za, and there's a free concert free comedy show and many other events. You can go at any point, so it's a really great way to go out and meet people and it's free. You pay with it in your fees, but you know what I mean. So this is a great place to go, and it's only open when there's event going on right now. So we're not going to go inside, but you can see what it looks like.