Fitness at the RWC

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We're now at the Recreation and Wellness Center, and this is our gym, so it's on the south side of campus. There's elevator right there if you're not able to take the stairs, and this is a great place to get your work out and let's go inside. So this is the cardio floor of the art of you see so plenty of machines, elliptical, stared, steppers and Trent, your student tuition and fees. You pay an activity and service fee, and that's what funds the R. W C our gym. Not only do you get access to Amazing Group X courses are just using the cardio floor. The weight for you get access to our leisure style pool, which is what we're looking up looking at from a vantage point. They'LL sometimes have pool parties with free food, so it's definitely something to take advantage of it. So we're currently sitting outside the R W. C. So there are two entrances. So at the beginning of the video, I showed you the main entrance off of Gem and I. But If you love an academic Billy, you see the staircase right there. You can use that so you don't have to walk around the building and then go up that giant staircase. This is also less stairs if you want a little bit of less intensity before your workout. So I absolutely love the R. W. C. I started doing group attacks the second semester of my freshman year, and I just fell in love. I always wanted to become a healthier person, and this was a great way for me to accomplish that. So as a student it's only twenty dollars, which is a bargain. Your CPR certification lost for two years, and the course is about three hours, and it's nothing too intense. The instructors air really fantastic, have also done five K training, so I did that last semester. Wednesday, Friday, I reported to the gym at seven a. M. And we ran and we did conditional training. What's really cool is completely free with my tuition and fees. So that was really cool experience and then Group X. I've basically taken every chorus that they offer. So my personal favorites are F forty five, which is a functional forty five minute hit course and hit stands for high intensity interval training. So with H and this course is usually thirty dollars a pop at like a legitimate at forty five Jim. You see if you can go for free with your I d to make sure taking advantage of things like this yourself.