Do You Need a Car at UCF?

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Hey, so we're currently in my car to talk about If you need a car your freshman year, A lot of people don't start off their freshman year with the car. So I had a car my senior year of high school And then, for cost reasons, I didn't bring my car that first semester. Then once I started working here the end of my first semester, I brought my car up. While I do love having my car, it was definitely doable. Especially because my first job in college wasn't on campus job where I was actually able to walk from my dorm to my job. When you live on campus and your classes are on campus in your jobs on campus, yeah, And also consider that you see it has a lot of great resource is so their shuttles that can get you through playing around campus. There's also shuttle that goes to a public's seeking do your grocery shopping there every Tuesday, every Tuesday, and then, lastly, there are some zip cars that you can rent out. You can rent out a car for, like an affordable price. Yeah, and you'LL definitely find someone that owns a car. That's not to say that you should just become friends. Phil own cars that use people, but the odds of you finding someone that has a car is very high, and definitely people will be willing to drive you places. It's definitely luxury, but it's also very doable, especially if you're living on campus. If you do live off campus, there are Shuttle, so anything that's not only you see have affiliated but considered a college campus. So we have about thirteen to fourteen different routes. So if you're living off campus apartment, you'LL also be able to easily get to your classes on time.