Freshman Week in my Life at UCSC
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All these lies in the stuff because I see I want to spring too much. Damn it! Cracker or the blowing the nose? The rest only class today is a two border that's in the same room was last night, right? I'm right. Why that That really just walked into a pool already. Yeah, I came back from class and we're having a long birdie. Oh, like I'm not put together, but not not like pulling on the party's still going strong. Two hours later, my roommate's asleep, but it is to a studio 1 p.m. I don't know what time it is going to pick up mail and study with friends. My class For those who are wondering, I was there just on that. Whoa, What happened since I last looked, I went to a library. Literally his log just gonna be me leaving the house and entering the house. Yeah, I'm gonna flog my 450 people cost tomorrow because I can't log 25 people once, but people tell them to comment. Comma double O if you know what song Travis Scott mentions mambo in Mambo. No, it's an Astro World pastoral world now fixing eyebrows because they're getting a little too close for comfort itself. It's kind of like lagging over there, so you can really see it. So I'm going to find a way to put up a little bit better, but looking pretty cute talk to say, this corner is adorable. I also put up my calendar and, like, fill it out with some stuff. My thinking up filled out all my classes stuff and I put my little hooks up. Who should I have class in, like less than an hour? And I don't know where it is. So many breakfast and stress for that probably and change and try to look less ugly. I want I'm going to make it really hurts again. Find Turner has, like, 10 minutes early, But I was gonna go to the library and studying there, but like I'm alone, that's kind of boring. Well, it's not morning feeling like it's boring to go library alone. So I think we're going with the door probability on there and just do some work there. I also took a short cut back, and Lily didn't find it, so I'm going to get stuff done. I also like tea from this morning that I never got finished because I was running late. We're going to get stuff done, and I'm gonna do somewhat planning because I haven't used my planner also far so never you don't look like you're taping. The Brits see for using her guest pass on me, Not you. They're not really expecting, but they're good. So I'm wearing a sweater because I thought it was gonna be cold, and it turned out to be like a pretty hot, which is really questioning. Like, turns on the light is actually really nice and warm, so could've worn shorts. Honestly, think I might be a little early, but I still don't know what room is, so we'll figure that out. So I got out of class and it was Actually, it wasn't mentors. What? There's a homeless room in the guy in the dorm? No, in the laundry room. It's so hard not to look at the view. I'm gonna take a shower and that I'm gonna get some grind done, which is really boring to watch, but I only have one class today. I had a discussion in the morning and 9 20 but I really woke up nine. I looked at my television to see if we had discussion. I saw no EMS and I was like, You know what? We're going back to sleep, But I just right back to sleep. Probably this morning went to class hair drop pictures of names and teacher teacher did not accept the air drops or Professor. We'll just we'll just move along at PJ's. But gone You arrived and she took something. You have to be in your dorm for at least 95% of the video, so I don't know what I'm saying, but in this block here.