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If you're wondering where I am in this mystical forest, we're on our way to a place of great study of greatness, period. We're going to do something a little different. Going to give you guys a special limited edition tour. I have my good friend and house may hear Nina with me, and she's a tour guide for you. CSC. So you guys are getting the inside scoop scoop. You see, I see my major's in the street with the constellation the Americans in Africa. I'm so usually when I'm not reading about a bunch of dead people, I'm usually out out Santa Cruz exploring because it's such a beautiful place. Like you say, it's one of two libraries you have here on campus. The second one is up on scientist, and it's called the Science Engineering Library and down, if you can guess, has a bunch of science and engineering books where this one doesn't. So some of the cool things we have in our library is way. I'm just pretty good on their personal in there. There's a time of like study space and stuff. What? So when the other really unique things about libraries, I'm just grateful that that's because since the world only grateful that our so are any good heads out there, it's a great place to come and look and see all the pictures. McHenry, we have one point five million books in our libraries. These are just a couple of features from the Kennedy Library, so for and So this is one of the reporters who have McHenry library. It's a very place to really sit outside but still be covered from all the elements. Along with this, we also tons of other statements throughout both their libraries. Smaller tables are laid out throughout the entire library. So you can obviously your study on while in here on DH, that's just a little bit on the Kennedy Library and the library system in general.