Getting my Eyebrows Done + Exploring Downtown!

The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
I'm going, teo, look in my breast and because i have a little bit of a break between my next class and says, saying, you see a caesar penny make campus but there's also a lot to offer outside of campus, like going downtown instead, one of the downsides for me personally coming to use, yes, iwas how difficult it is to wei have micro has a lot of bikers. One of the downsides of coming to you see, you see, for me personally was how difficult it was to get downtown. Like, just two basic groceries and shops, i'm just like life outside of campus. But there are metro buses that runs, um from downtown, all throughout campus. Then they go back downtown and like, we'll drop you off places. Okay, so i just got my president and this is rocks were tonic salon. So if you ever need your rest and let me know, give you rock's number, she's the best, as you can see here. You love me ? I tell only partly only love my bed and my mama.