What Does Karina Think of UCSB?
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This is another one of my roommates that she's also going to be answering a couple questions for you guys. So introduce yourself and explain why you chose UCSB. Okay. Um, first year here at UCSB and I chose Santa Barbara because, well, you can't beat the location, and, um, just the overall climate that I've, you know, research about the school before coming here. Then I also visited the campus several times before I came, and I just got a really good vibe from everyone down to like I said, the weather, the people, and also, it's, like, really high up there. You know, they say that researches, uh that thing that students look for and it can get you places and get you connected with a lot of people. So it's my teachers and Barbara, can you try to describes? Didn't body kind of like the field in the vibe of everyone here at school? So far, everyone that I've met has been super friendly and outgoing and granted, I, like, spent a lot of time in the first year dorms, but I think everyone's sort of like on the same page as Faras, like they're away from home, too. Everyone's just trying to make friends, which is super cool, but also like everywhere else on campus. Baroness, so nice and like you see people playing volleyball or, you know, throwing for his being like you conjoined them. No problem or like playing some spike ball like it's totally fine and is totally normal or like just fine a person to go to the beach with one day and like, it's amazing. So So what's your major? And described the active climate s o I'm currently an undeclared, a student, meaning I have no idea what I want to get into, but also a reason I chose cinnabar bows because there's a lot of options here for me. I'm really interested in the film program. So I'm not quite sure yet which is good because I feel like here the academic climate is like you're not very pressured. Teo know exactly what you want to do, and I think there's a lot of leeway for changing your mind, and there's a lot of help. On the academic advisers air like available to you all the time, and they'll help you out if you're kind of feeling lost and so, but your favorite and least favorite part of the school No. My favorite part about the school is definitely the location and just how we literally live like not a vacation spot. You go outside and like you could see the ocean, can hear the waves and you see people play outside all day and like it rained the other day, but that I'm pretty sure that's like the only rain for kind of encounter throughout the entire year. Yeah, that's definitely my favorite thing. Probably just thought, since we are like, the campus is kind of on our own island. A lot of like major stores like Target and like other like superstores aren't very close to us. Like me, being a first year like, I have a bike, so I can't necessarily bike there. We also have Ivy, which is the town right behind campus and like, that's really convenient. They have a lot of stuff where you could just go and get some milk or, like eggs really quick if you need it so.