How Do Meal Plans Work at UCSB?
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In this video, I'm going to be talking about how meal plans and swipes work. So basically male swipes our how you're going to get into the dining commons. Each time you go into the dining commons, it's worth one swipe. How that works is everyone has an access card and the swipes and the meal plans. So every time you go into the dining commons, you're gonna have someone swipe your card for you. So UCSB they're five different, uh, meal plans. So you can choose from unless your first year than there's only four, and I'll go over that in a little bit. There's a fourteen, seventeen and unlimited, but the seven sipes is on ly available for second years and higher because usually in the first year you're going to be living on campus and you're going to need to go to the dining commons for food. Your meal swipes can work at any of the dining commons on campus. I personally have seventeen swipes, and it's been great because I sometimes eat breakfast. It's nice to have some extra slice left in your car just so he can use it for late night and things like that. S O. Basically, the swipes is you have that however many you choose, you have that many swipes per week and that resets on Sunday night. So But morning of Monday, you're going tohave a whole new set of however many swipes you chose s o that's all there is to the mill swipes.